How Pre-Fabrication Accelerates the Energy Transition

Faster, Smarter, Greener

As the world moves towards decarbonisation, pre-fabrication is becoming an increasingly attractive solution for businesses seeking efficient, safe, and cost-effective ways to upgrade or expand their plant capacity. Understand how Entec's pre-fabricated plant rooms (PPRs) can accelerate the energy transition by aiding the build of power generation, transmission, and distribution assets. Explore the advantages of PPRs and its applications below and contact us if you'd like more information.

What is a Pre-Fabricated Plant Room (PPR)?

A PPR is a transportable enclosure with plant items, often electrical infrastructure installed that is designed, built, and tested off-site before being transported and installed at its final location. These plant rooms can be created using ISO shipping containers or custom-designed enclosures, depending on the specific requirements of the project. The primary objective is to minimise on-site construction, pre-commissioning, and testing work, allowing for a safer, cleaner, and less congested worksite.

What are the benefits of a Prefabricated Plant Room?

The need for Pre-Fabricated Plant Rooms
New Zealand, like many countries, is on a path to decarbonise its economy, with electrification playing a key role. The demand for electricity is growing as the country aims to convert its national vehicle fleet, industrial heat equipment, and water sector to electric power. Meeting these needs in an environment characterised by skilled labour shortages, higher costs, and remote working conditions presents a significant challenge.

Entec’s PPRs offer a practical solution to these challenges, allowing for the efficient and cost-effective deployment of new or upgraded plant capacity.

Reduce the need for on-site construction

A recent project showcased the time and cost savings that can be achieved through pre-fabrication. In this case, the client needed a rapid deployment solution to address capacity limitations and outdated infrastructure. By opting for a pre-fabricated plant room, the company was able to significantly reduce on-site construction and commissioning time, resulting in substantial cost savings and minimal disruption to ongoing operations.

The Future of Pre-Fabricated Plant Rooms

In a recent webinar hosted by Carbon & Energy Professional New Zealand (CEP), we explored the future of pre-fabricated plant rooms, which are useful for meeting growing clean energy demands. Embracing this innovation not only boosts businesses' bottom lines but also promotes a sustainable energy future. Watch the webinar to learn more about PPR's advantages and impact on the energy transition.

Design Considerations

When planning for a PPR design, several key factors need to be taken into account, including:

  • Real estate requirements: The available space for the installed equipment should be considered, along with the purpose of the room and any additional amenities needed.
  • Location: The plant room's location must be carefully chosen to optimise efficiency and minimise cabling costs.
  • Environmental conditions: Factors such as heat loading, ambient conditions, and proximity to corrosive materials should be taken into account.
  • Access and egress: Safe and efficient entry and exit points for personnel and utilities should be provided.
  • Structural considerations: Seismic, wind loading, and design life requirements must be addressed.
  • Cable entry and height limitations: These factors may influence the choice of mounting options and overall design.

Think you may have a need for a Prefabricated Plant Room for your next site? Talk to us today and we can begin the collaborative process of designing a solution for you.